Alexandra Palt is currently the Chief Sustainability Officer and Executive Vice President of L’Oreal, passionate to create a more sustainable and inclusive world. On a mission to deliver bold sustainability targets within L’Oreal, Alexandra is spearheading and accelerating the L’Oreal for the Future programme. Now booked as a motivational female speaker, Alexandra shares her passions for the environment along with her advocacy for women’s issues and rights.
Throughout her career, Alexandra has been drawn to championing peoples rights and advocacy. Formerly a human rights lawyer, Alexandra has also worked as part of the Preparing Young Women to Lead program and established the Women4Climate events, whilst championing women’s issues and rights. As VP and Chief Sustainability Officer of L’Oreal, Alexandra is aiming to reduce the company carbon footprint by 60%, make 100% of L’Oreal products have environmental or social benefits, provide 100,000 people from underprivileged backgrounds with work and make L’Oreal 100% sustainable.
Other prominent roles of Alexandra’s include Vice President of Equal Opportunities for HALDE and the founding General Manager of Fabric of Society. With HALDE, Alexandra was responsible for promoting equal opportunities across sectors such as private and public employment, education and housing. The Fabric of Society was an advisory body, informing clients on social innovation, change management and corporate social responsibility. She has also created and ran the Sharing Beauty With All Commitment, the sustainability policy at L’Oreal which encompasses her passions for both sustainability and social innovation.
Now booked as a motivational female speaker, Alexandra is a seasoned speaker and has previously spoken at the Women Working for Change conference in 2020. In her work with the L’Oreal Foundation, Alexandra is also on a mission to sculpt a more inclusive world- achievable by empowering women to take control of shaping their lives. Inspiring women worldwide as a female in a position of power, Alexandra Palt is a fantastic motivational female speaker when looking for an expert on inclusivity, sustainability and women’s rights.
Most recently, Alexandra Palt was inducted into the Top Female Speakers to Book for International Women’s Day, in acknowledgement of her talents as an inspirational businesswoman.
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