International Women's Day

International Women’s Day 2025: What is IWD & How Should It Be Celebrated in the Workplace?

International Women’s Day (IWD) is an annual celebration that aims to educate society on the remarkable women’s rights movement. Over recent years, it has been identified that women continue to only hold 10% of the top executive positions, demonstrating the importance of educating society on the need for change. In recognition of issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and abuse against women, it has become a key date in the equality calendar. IWD encourages business leaders globally to recognise the importance of gender equality within the workplace.

In this post, discover what International Women’s Day stands for and how it should be celebrated within the workplace.

What is International Women’s Day?

To mark International Women’s Day, people around the world celebrate women’s social, cultural, economic, and political achievements throughout history. This day aims to educate the community about the continuous fight for equality, the gender bias, and the need to eliminate discrimination.

What is the Theme of International Women’s Day 2025?

The theme of IWD 2025 has been selected as #AccelerateAction.

“Step forward in solidarity for International Women’s Day (IWD) 2025 and help #AccelerateAction to speed up women’s equality. At the current rate of progress, it will take 134 years to reach full gender parity in 2158, which is roughly five generations from now, according to data from the World Economic Forum. So, together, let’s Accelerate Action to speed up the rate of progress.”

When is International Women’s Day?

International Women’s Day takes place annually on the 8th of March. First celebrated in 1909, IWD has become a key date in the equality calendar.

How to Honour International Women’s Day in the Workplace:

A recent study conducted by The Female Motivational Speakers Agency, involving data from over 180 events, has undergone a thorough review and been meticulously scrutinised to ensure the utmost reliability. The findings highlight the ways in which workplaces can honour International Women’s Day, empowering female employees and setting a precedent for inclusion.

Host an Informative Session

One of the best ways to educate a large group of people is to host an informative training session. To ensure equality within the workplace, all employees must understand what is always expected of them.

Benefits of Implementing IWD Training Sessions:

  • Increase Staff Morale
  • Improve Standards of Customer Service
  • Encourage Open Communication
  • Understand the Legislations Put in Place Surrounding Equality

Share Achievements of International Women in the Workplace

Delivering a presentation that details recent achievements made by your employees makes them feel appreciated within the workplace. Inspiring the company with stories of past and current star employees, sharing these accomplishments in person or online will ensure your workforce understands that their hard work does not go unnoticed.

Host a Charity Fundraiser

Charity fundraisers are an enjoyable way to honour International Women’s Day. By holding a companywide cake sale, or creating a sponsored sports day, these events help boost morale whilst spreading awareness about the important day. Not only will these events benefit the company, but they will also benefit the wider community as the money raised will help charities that support vulnerable women around the world. Here are 5 charities that we recommend for future International Women’s Day events:

Create a Company Pledge

Creating a meaningful pledge will ensure equality is celebrated this International Women’s Day. It is impossible to change the opinions of everyone within the community, but businesses can make it clear what they expect from their employees whilst at work. Having spent many years fighting for equal rights, it is key for businesses to stand with their employees and show their support.

Hire an International Women’s Day Speaker

This International Women’s Day, hire a speaker to bring their expert knowledge and insights to your event. Female speakers have been inspiring and educating corporate audiences for many years. As these incredible women showcase their personal and career achievements, they serve to educate all in attendance. Appearing at events around the globe, these speakers are not to be missed!

Our Selection of the Top International Women’s Day Speakers:

Dame Inga Beale – First Female CEO of Lloyd’s of London

Mandy Hickson – Fighter Jet Pilot

Jo Fairley – Co-Founder of Green & Blacks

Nicky Moffat – Highest Ranked Woman in the British Army

Katie Piper – Body Positivity Activist

Hire Top Female Motivational Speakers Today!

If you are looking to book an International Women’s Day speaker, don’t hesitate to contact one of our dedicated booking agents on 0203 9158 282 or by completing our online contact form.

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